Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Hi all, Wanna B here, so I had an interesting, very exciting evening. I met a Jack Russell and a Besenji for the first time! I was excited at first because they were new playmates but after a while, I decided that they made too much noise so I just went to my bed to nap. They are always in the way but I try really hard to not step on them, I want to be a good mannered little girl.
I do make sure that if there are treats being given out that I am right there in the thick of things but otherwise it is just not worth it to follow them around that much. Now I will follow my foster mom every where she goes so I can make sure that treats and food are not being given out without my knowledge...I am beginning to really like my crate and even though I cry a little as soon as my foster mom leaves me, I settle down to nap after a few minutes. I guess if being in my crate is the worst of this retirement thing, then I can handle it....

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