Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wanna Be update!!!

Sleeping all night in crate (no whining)
NO PEE,or the Other in the house.
No DOG fights with Family Members.
Slight jumping on furniture (only twice) I could not help myself my mom and dad got
me excited!!!!
NO counter surfing,at least that we have seen.
Does not like going into crate during day, but we are working on it. She so far has not
torn up herself or the crate and has not done her business in there.(I was so Happy
when she had done fine today,our first workday. She stayed from 8:30 till 3:30!!!!

PS ALL of the above could change at any moment !!! I cant wait till we see the
real Wanna Be HA!!! Iam sure she will be full of herself....most girls are....

Top 10 reasons I like my new pad!!!

Watching these Big weird Birds that have legs as long as mine!!!
Watch the speed boats.(great for sighthounds)
Get to know my 4, new friends, All BOYS,except one little girl that seems to be really nice.
Go flower shopping at Home Depot with Secret.
GO jogging with my mom while my brothers and little sister followed.
Meeting some new people.
Getting treats and bones...
Laying out on the porch and watching the sunset with my new friends,with a happy hour
Pigs ear.
Having my named Called,(with excitement)
And the top 10 reason I like my new pad
They Make Me feel at Home!!!!

Wanna Be Has been with us since Saturday Aug 8 . We were looking for a female to add
to our pack of 3 Male Greyhounds and one Rat Terrier. I had been following her latley
and finally we got to meet her on Sat. We had gotten two of our greys at an early age,
so we felt she would be a good match. So far she is doing really well and seems to be
very Happy... Will keep everyone up-dated.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I am so glad that Wanna B is settling in, I was her first foster mom and she is a spunky little thing but just as sweet as she can be! I am sure that each day she gets better with her manners. It's good that she has boys and girls to play with, I only have girl greys.
    Give her a hug for me!!
    Kara, Fiona and Gypsy

  3. Thanks Kara, She is really doing well, she getting better each day obout going in the crate. We have not had one problem with her so far. We adopted 2 hounds sister and brother, at 15 and 19 months, so we kinda knew what to expect, Thanks for your care and love she would not be where she is today without all the care everyone has given her!!!! Keep in touch,Sallie

  4. Thanks Aileen,Iam the 4th person to have Wanna Be and we Plann on giving her a Forever
    Home!!! The fosters that have posted for her
    did a wonderful job,I to injoyed there comments
    and followed her Blog.Thats part of the reason
    we wanted to meet her and it ended up being the start to us meeting and now she has found her forever Family we hope!!! Thanks for your
    nice comment.

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